Step into a comic adventure set in the Wild, Wild West featuring a brave young Sheriff in pursuit of the meanest, stinkiest and baddest bandit in land.
"The Good, The Bad and A Horse 4D" is a comic adventure set in the Wild, Wild West featuring a brave young Sheriff in pursuit of the meanest, stinkiest and baddest bandit in land. After a bank robber evades capture by means of a most unusual weapon, he escapes aboard a train. But in hot pursuit the lawman chases the villain down, accompanied by the West's most ornery, most reluctant and most apple-minded of steeds. From a shoot-out in a dark mine to a hair-raising chase on a hazardous railroad, this fast-paced tale offers a truly immersive 3D experience with surround sound and available special 4D effects including lightning, scent, explosions and wind blasts.
Produced by Red Star / Distributed by nWave
Welcome to the Wild West ! But beware for you might cross paths with the county's most wanted criminal: El Cebolla...