The game is afoot ! Follow the greatest detective in a brand new investigation...
"Sherlock Holmes 4D – The Great Detective" is a fast-paced mystery adventure set in the misty streets of Victorian London. When Holmes arrives at the scene of a bank robbery he is met by Dashwood Hunter, his bitter rival. Following the evidence, and trying to stay one step ahead of Hunter, Holmes and his longsuffering companion Doctor Watson race after the culprit through the vaults of the Bank of England, into the Tower of London and up the clock tower of Big Ben. Offering a truly immersive 3D experience and spectacular 4D effects including lightning, wind blasts, water spray and bubble effects, "Sherlock Holmes 4D" sets up a frantic chase as Holmes finds himself confronted with a dire choice: can he solve the crime in time to save his old friend?
Produced by Red Star / Distributed by nWave